Cursos de Preparación Certificaciones Cambridge
Estudie inglés y obtenga un certificado internacional de la Universidad de Cambridge. ¡Prepárese con nosotros!
North Summit Education empezó formalmente sus labores docentes y de entrenamiento en el 2012. Nos especializamos en la preparación de candidatos para tomar los exámenes de la Universidad de Cambridge para certificar el nivel de inglés.
Nuestros cursos toman en consideración las últimas tendencias de enseñanza de inglés como segunda lengua, lo que los hacen eficientes y eficaces. Los instructores son certificados por Cambridge, tanto en su nivel de inglés como en su práctica docente. Además, están en constante capacitación para asegurar la calidad de su enseñanza.
En el 2016, North Summit Education fue galardonado por Cambridge English Language Assessment

Nuestra Visión
¿Cuánto inglés habla usted? Un 80%? Eso no es una medida confiable ni exacta. Las certificaciones de Cambridge proporcionan mediante el Marco Común Europeo un documento de validez internacional con el cual probar el nivel de inglés. Preparamos a candidatos para tomar dichas certificaciones desde niveles escolares hasta universitarios y profesionales. Además de obtener un grado certificado por la Universidad de Cambridge, Inglaterra, se obtienen muchas ventajas en el currículo profesional y proceso de aprendizaje del idioma. Cursos creativos y accesibles impartidos por instructores certificados por Cambridge English Assessment desde 2011.


Giannina Morelli
This is Giannina Morelli. She trains Cambridge English International Certifications for High School students. Her teaching philosophy is: “ To provide students with the best learning environment as possible in which students with different learning styles and special needs can develop the necessary English language life skills. Equally important is to help them to learn how to relate, interact, and communicate in a foreign language with other students. It has always been very important in my teaching experience to help each student to discover their individual gifts, talents, and to reach their full potential in English as a second language.”
Karla Alvarado
Preparing candidates to take Cambridge exams since 2012 has been a rewarding experience. Each group enriches your teaching practice and makes you constantly renew your methods and techniques in order to meet their particular needs. I enjoy learning and teaching all levels and certification programs. Young learners energize you, while teenagers represent a challenge I am always willing to take. The eagerness to learn from adults and professionals is simply contagious.
Cambridge English supports all the courses and provides endless opportunities to improve as instructors. I hope to be able to continue helping people get trained to take Cambridge English exams for many years to come.

Ana Eugenia
This is Ana Eugenia Aguilar T. Her teaching belief is “To provide opportunities and activities to help children learn in a lovely and respectful environment. This will help them develop life-time intellectual and emotional skills.” She will be teaching Cambridge Young Learners

Melissa Martínez
She will be teaching Cambridge Young Learners. Her teaching belief is: “To influence and guide children to construct knowledge and develop social skills in orden to become better human beings.”
Carolina Rojas
Her name is Carolina Rojas and this is her teaching belief: I believe that using a combination of methods and approaches is better than just strictly using one. This way, I can provide my students a more complete and varied learning experience. It is also important that such experience may be provided in a warm, fun, open-minded, and experimenting-free learning environment where students can use the tools I have provided and use them in their own original way, feeling special and unique.